fredag den 28. september 2012

High Five for Friday #8

Uh… Where did this week go ? This week I was all by myself with my son. Could sound hard work right? Well I was so lucky that I had the hole full with plans. Swin lessons, mom over for dinner, playmates one day and today it’s Friday and we are off to Sweden for the weekend. We are all going to some friends house – their vacation house. I’m really looking forward to it.
My boyfriends just came home today after a trip to Norway so the family is together again. Could this be even more perfect for a weekend? Think not!

1.     Moose – there are plenty of these in Sweden and I’m really hoping that we will see one this weekend. That would be amazing!
2.     Mushrooms – tomorrow we are heading for the forest to make the “great mushrooms treasure hunt”… well I do hope that we will find at least some because tomorrows dinner are “depending” on it J (if everything goes wrong – the mall will always save us but you know the ones that you have found yourself always taste MUCH better)
3.     Dinner – Since I’m a BIG fan of food I’m looking forward to the next couples of days. We have agreed that we will make the dinner one evening and the other couple will make it the day after. I do hope that they like my cookingJ
4.     The nature…. I’ll be totally surrounded big great nature ALL weekend. I love it !
5.     Cupcakes – of course we are going to have some this weekend as well. No trip without cake !!
This is my weekend plans... what are yours ??

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