tirsdag den 21. august 2012

High Fives for Friday # 3... And late once again.

Last Friday I was still on variation and even though I dont know how guys find the time to update the blog I must admitter that I couldn't.
Therefor it's Tuesday today (I got home yesterday) .... I could say that I'm sorry but I had the best vacation in a looooong time.
So here are my top 5 for Friday:
1) vacation.... Vacation !!!! With my boyfriend and son. We enjoyed a wonderful time with family and friends.
2) Collecting rosehip for making jam. My mother in law males the Best Rosehip jam ever!
3) Cake - as always I bake a cake whenever I have a chance for it. This Friday was no exception.
I'll put in photos tomorrow - but I actually think they are showet in my instagramphotos. Never the less - I'll do it asap.
4) enjoying the summer, my family, friends and mother in laws.
5) Watching my boy having the Best time ever playing and fooling around in his little swimming pool.

I'll try my best to Post my next top Fives ON Friday but by now I already know that it will be a challenge. I'm off with work for a Big arrangement until Friday afternoon, so I'll try my best but can't promise anything ! 

Hope you All had a great Friday and weekend... 

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